14 July, 2009

Pretty Young Thing

RIP Michael Jackson, you were one of my first heroes and the reason I fell in love with music. I am sorry that the USA killed you. Hopefully people will finally appreciate you now that you're not around to be ridiculed.

kind of forgot that I had a roll w/ Barcelona photos on it still.. Also RIP to my 'trusty' MacBook, and all of my stuff on itunes and iphoto :(

Best Cafe/Deli to eat at in BarcelonaPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

Worst Cafe/Deli to eat at in BarcelonaPhotobucketPhotobucket

I don't post these photos of the homeless to poke fun of them or laugh. It's merely to show a juxtaposition of where anyone could possibly be if they take the wrong turns in life. It's a humbling observation for me when I see hings like this. PhotobucketPhotobucket

Some people just get tired though.. I doubt this dude was homeless, probably just planned his night bad or his phone battery died.

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