27 October, 2009

Брайтон-Бич: Изменения формы

What do you do if your whole city is a playground, and your metro card grants you unlimited access (for $89/monthly of course)? Venture to the ocean; naturally.
Brighton Beach has an overwhelmingly Eastern-European feel, where those claiming English as their first language are the minority. You almost feel strange speaking it around Brighton residents who don't hesitate to shoot puzzled glares at outsiders visiting beyond the invitational beach seasons of Spring and Summer; especially at night.. It's one of those places where you'd kind of expect to get kidnapped, and when you finally do - you wonder what took them so long.

Coney Island is one of those magnificent places that you hear and see so much about being from outside of New York. For some, once you finally get to see it, you're left feeling sort of depressed and/or deceived. Seeing it out of season and after sun fall makes you wonder what it must have been like sitting prominently on New York's coast for nearly a century. I used to visit often when I was younger. Magical times those were, picking seashells and cutting my fingers on glass.


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