29 November, 2009

Never Too Late

Where I've been living lately.. For better or for worse

freelance nappers

went to yet another birthday party, but forgot to take photos of the actual birthday girl. also, couldn't afford the photo booth so i just took flicks in it instead
he's an OG alphabet city character.. so i've heard.. he's the originator of the obama slushie, obama cheeseburger, obama belgian friens, obama coffee (coffee with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it), and a bunch of other obama novelties, and
rat's eye view
i guarantee you that we could provide better material for the show Bored In Brooklyn, than that nearly atrocious aptly named HBO show has to offer. word to your mother

i spent my thanksgiving with a cast of other nyc orphans who didn't head home for the holiday. it was splendid. i've never not spent a holiday with other black people. it felt like that time i spent black history month in ireland and spain

another night..
it kind of reminded me of that time i was in miami and these old white dudes gave me their bottles of grey goose and their outside tent at the delano hotel so my friends and i could live it up off their hard work.
like that eddie murphy movie trading places kind of.
cept it was just for one night, and there was no real incentive other than to just drink a lot and be some drunk girls' fodder for our time there..PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket
Joe in fully blown Mr. Joey Hartnetti mode. Just living his life to the fullest, and splitting his brain open for the world to see in the processPhotobucketPhotobucket
his brother watches television the way some people dream of

1 comment:

  1. Joey Crack the beast. Coming out in his true form. Haha.
