07 January, 2010

new year

I had some of my favorite Minnesota friends come out to visit NYC for NYE. so, this post is a compilation of the three/four days and nights they were in town. once again i used expired film, so i can't say that i've been quite excited with the results lately. far too grainy and really hit or miss.. mostly miss, but you decide.

i found a cat in a window

when we were up on the roof top, we noticed that a man was getting kicked repeatedly by the owner of the gas station across the street.
i figured i'd go down and see what was up, but when i got down there the owner had gave up, and the guy remained there unresponsive and nearly dead asleep
or unconscious. the only word that truly comes to mind when describing him is "defeated."

i take being a great host so seriously that i actually agreed to venture down to coney island at midnight on one of the coldest nights i've ever experienced in new york.
we didn't see a single other person walking around, and the only sound heared was the strong whistling of the wind that probably sounded exactly like what you'd imagine ghosts
would sound like.
day after

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