01 September, 2009

The Party's Over? RIP Summer 09

I'm out in New York City for the school year now. These photos are from the past two weeks since I've been here trying to adjust to my new surroundings etc.

The lens on my camera, coupled with the 400 film I never use, led to the first few photos in the set coming off kind of blurry and grainy..
New York, New York. The big city of dreams, but everything in New York ain't always what it seems ~ Grandmaster Flash




Art School frat party?
The Mpls homie Carl is still out in NY until school starts for him after labor day.. He blacked out this night.. sorry to put you on blast man!

After this party, we stepped outside and heard some loud music coming from the rooftop of another apartment nearby. We saw some people who we thought were going to that party and followed them all the way upstairs to this apartment where the party was being thrown. The dude at the door knew we weren't familiar at all so I had to literally beg him to let us in. After a while he finally gave in. To our surprise this party was in the home of someone in the porn industry, and a lot of the people at this party or in one way or another affiliated with pornography. Open bar, free food, live Jamaican Djs, "actors/actresses," and probably some other random people who also heard the music and came up to the rooftop. Needless to say it was an ill party..

Notice the bed where ideally the furniture that makes up a "normal" living room should bePhotobucket
Now notice the video camera and convenient lighting. Not to mention the fish bowl coffee table.. I didn't know they made those!

The next day I had a school orientation for new "exchange" students on a Yacht off of what I believe was the East River? Free food, mimosas, and some new friends.. Was pretty fun
Over the past three months I've traveled from London, Paris, Amsterdam, to Barcelona, Oslo and back to Minneapolis, then Chicago and my 'final' destination of NYC. With that being said, believe me when I say there's nothing like America! Far too many people will travel abroad and come back with a disdain for the US culture..


After my first day of classes I tried to navigate my own way home without using Hopstop.com... I ended up falling asleep on the train and ending up in Manhattan, outside of FAO Schwartz.. I go to school in Flushing, Queens to give you an idea of how long I slept.. Photobucket
Met up with my girlfriend after I found my way back.. At Habana Outpost, my 2nd favorite restaurant..
The next day, Emily and I took a trip to the infamous Burg to shop and eat

1 comment:

Samson said...

When I was in the navy and visiting different places, I always felt like "damn this place is shitting on america! it's so ______!"

But when you get back you really realize how ....I don't know, I'm not gonna say better even though that's the first word that comes to mind, but just different shit is...

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